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It seems as if all of Crystal Wiley’s education and experience has brought her to this moment—serving as the director of SVdP Indy’s new Love Your Neighbor Center (LYNC). With a passion for caring for those on the margins, coupled with her leadership and organizational expertise, Crystal is exactly what SVdP Indy needs to launch its new residential housing unit.

Born and raised in Central Indiana, Crystal has a deep passion for this community and the people in it.

Through the course of her career, she’s worked in roles where she can make a difference—and all seemed to have prepared her for the many hats she’ll wear as LYNC director.

It’s clear that each one of these experiences will be an asset to LYNC.

“I definitely bring a well-rounded background to this role,” Crystal says. “I’ve done aspects of what will be needed—building programs from the ground up, establishing and implementing policies and procedures, developing teams, and working directly with clients. Through it all, I’ve learned how to be flexible, live in the gray and pivot when necessary—and all of that will be necessary for this role.”

SVdP Indy: The Natural Next Step

While Crystal just joined the SVdP Indy team, the organization is not new to her. She was first exposed to SVdP years ago when she participated in a service project. Over the years, she has referred clients and families to SVdP’s 30th Street Food Pantry and Distribution Center.

As a result, coming here feels like a natural next step in her career of serving others.

“I am excited for this opportunity. I am coming at this from a mental health, humanitarian, community builder perspective,” Crystal says. “I want to continue to be a change agent and I’m ready to help LYNC be that in people’s lives.”

Crystal also brings with her a special talent.

“I have compassion for others and the ability to approach situations in nonjudgmental manner,” she says. “No matter our socio-economic status, humans go through traumatic events, and I try to approach interactions from a place of grace, understanding, empathy and compassion.”