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To all the wonderful volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul:

April 19-25, 2020 is set aside as National Volunteer Week. This is a week for organizations to recognize their outstanding volunteers. No one has more dedicated volunteers than those at SVdP. During this unprecedented time of coming together, we have volunteers packing food boxes, repackaging produce, sorting clothes, making face masks, getting our message out through social media, fundraising and doing whatever it takes for us to be in a position to feed thousands of people in need every week.

During this season of Easter, we are truly grateful and humbled by the selfless giving and untiring efforts of the people on our front line to help ensure that no family goes hungry. Special thanks to the National Guard who have come to our aid when many of our older volunteers find it necessary to shelter in place.

May God bless you all and keep you safe from harm. We are praying for all of you and ask that you please keep the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in your prayers.


John Ryan, President

 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” ~Matthew 25:40