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By Paul Ainslie, President, SVdP Indy

Most of the Vincentians I work with come from different backgrounds. Many worked in industry, academia, government, schools or even religious organizations. When a new volunteer comes to SVdP Indy, we try to ask about their skills and experience. But often, someone shows up at the door desiring to be part of what we do. This is simply fantastic.

We all have skills that can apply to our volunteer work. We are friendly, spiritual or handy with repairs, equipment or communications. Many of us, in fact, have been leaders, executives, presidents and supervisors in our past lives. This experience gives us leadership skills—skills that are very important to our work as Vincentians.

In our Rule Part III statute 11, we read, “Leadership positions in the Society, at any level, are always to be accepted as service to Christ, the members and the poor. Servant leadership is done in imitation of Jesus who said: ‘For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many.’ (Mk 10:45).“

Being a leader in the Society is not a burden but a blessing. Though not to be taken on frivolously, with serious discernment a leadership position is a step forward in holiness. The National office supports new leaders with manuals, videos and webinars, making the transition to leadership straightforward and supportive at every step.

Perhaps you have been asked to consider a leadership position in your Conference or District. Or possibly you are seeking more spiritual growth in service to those in need. Our Council currently has openings for presidents, vice presidents, treasurers and secretaries in many Conference and Districts.

Please consider this important role where you can volunteer in service to Christ, our fellow Vincentians and, most importantly, our neighbors in need.