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By Paul Ainslie, SVdP Indianapolis Council President

“Good night” is as common an English phrase as there is. Or “buenas noches”  for our Spanish-speaking neighbors and “bon lannwit” for our new Haitian friends. You hear it when you leave a restaurant in the evening. You say it to your loved ones at bedtime. Such a basic statement and one we say often because we know what a “good night” can do for the next day. After a good night’s rest, we are ready to take on the next day’s challenges, whether at work, school or just in daily life.

In the Indianapolis Archdiocese area, hundreds of children and adults sleep on the floor or in chairs each night. We know this because our Vincentians visit their homes and see the lack of simple beds for kids and adults. In their homes, the money for food, rent and utilities comes before luxuries such as beds. But a poor night’s sleep interferes with the health, education and welfare of all, especially children.

During 2024, SVdP Indy distributed over 1,400 beds through its Dream a Little Dream program in the Indianapolis area. Even more were given out from Conferences around central and southern Indiana. Yet the need is still greater.

For the Lenten Season beginning March 5, the SVdP Indy Council is asking each Conference to sponsor a special collection, “40 Days for 40 Beds.” This initiative targets twin beds for children 18 and younger and full-sized beds for adults in the Archdiocese area. Donations collected through 40 Days for 40 Beds will go exclusively for beds for our neighbors in need. The collection begins Ash Wednesday (March 5) and ends Easter Sunday (April 20). Conferences may keep the contributions in an account restricted to beds only, or share them with the Council to be applied where the need is greatest. We will report the results shortly after Easter.

As we mindfully prepare to honor Jesus’ sacrifice for all, let’s come together and open our hearts for this special request, reflecting His love and compassion for those in need.