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By Tom Spalding, Communications Volunteer

One of the key reasons why shoppers seek out Boulevard Place Food Pantry is our variety of fresh food.

In addition to the generous donations supplied by farmers in central Indiana and collectives like SHarP community gardens, many individuals maintain their own vegetable plots and will surprise us with bags of produce.

It doesn’t take long to get these coveted items from our front door to our clients’ kitchen tables. They do so selflessly and often anonymously.

A recent edition of The Criterion brought the spotlight to one of them! There was a nice article about Bill Scott, the SHarP initiative and the pantry, courtesy of writer John Shaughnessy. Bill is a regular most Saturdays, and his green thumb produced over 360 pounds worth of contributions in 2023.

As Bill told the paper: “As long as I can remember, I’ve felt both a responsibility and a pleasure in giving back. That’s true in gardening, and it’s true financially, and it’s true in my talents. I feel I’ve got this precious gift that was unearned, and I have a responsibility to give back. It’s not a burden.”

There’s also a nice quote from Pantry Director Matt Hayes.

“Honestly, the pantry only works because of what individuals give. The variety that is there is because of the donations from individuals. In the growing season, Bill is in almost every day, bringing something. His commitment and generosity are without question. For years, the work of the SHarP Garden and Bill has just been really wonderful.”