Ozanam Orientation Training
Gain a thorough understanding of the Vincentian Charism unique to the SVdP organization through Ozanam training by the SVdP Indy Council. This is targeted to active and associate members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul or anyone who wishes to grow in holiness through service to others.
Arrive 7:30am for check-in & light breakfast.
Training from 8am – 2pm with lunch provided.
St. Augustine Room
St. Monica Catholic Church/School
6131 N Michigan Road
Indianapolis, IN 46228
Park on the north side of the campus in the same parking lot as the trash & recycle dumpsters. Enter through Door #3. (Look for blue numerals on the clear glass.) The St. Augustine room is in the hallway on the right.
Covid masks are optional for those fully-vaccinated, but are mandatory for all others.
Questions? Contact Pat Jerrell, pjerrell@svdpindy.org, 317-457-1001