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Soon, the government will begin depositing up to $1,200 into bank accounts for people who qualify, and more for those with dependent children. But what should you do with this money?

The money is yours to spend as you wish. People who have been laid off or who are in a difficult financial situation can use this much-needed boost to pay their rent or buy food or other necessities. Others will use the money to help small businesses and local merchants, another good choice.

But many people are saying “I don’t need this money.” Some are still getting a paycheck, and some have even saved money during the pandemic by not spending on restaurants or other social activities. For those people lucky enough to have a choice, please consider donating to St. Vincent de Paul’s food pantry. Visits have increased dramatically, just at the time when many older volunteers have had to cancel their shifts. SVdP is committed to helping those who need food, so resources are being stretched very thin.

Donations to the food pantry are spent 100% on purchasing food and making it available to those in need. No administrative or operating costs are taken out – every penny goes directly to feeding those who need help. Our community is one of the most philanthropic in the Midwest. If you can, consider helping your neighbors at this difficult time by donating online.