In the News Urgent Call for Volunteers In light of the continuing need for our community's food insecure to have access to…adminMarch 23, 2020
In the News Urgent Appeal for Material Goods So many people have asked what they can do from home to assist us in…adminMarch 23, 2020
In the News About Coronavirus (COVID-19) and SVdP’s Response Dear Friends of SVdP, We recognize the concern associated with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)…adminMarch 12, 2020
Homeless MinistrySouth District Homeless in a Small Town Contributed by Jim Koerber We often hear about large cities dealing with the issue of…adminMarch 7, 2020
In the News Register for February 29 Ozanam Training The next session of Ozanam Training, targeted to active and associate members of the Society…adminFebruary 7, 2020
In the News Register for the March Systemic Change Training Retreat Answering the Call of Pope Francis: ENDING POVERTY THROUGH SYSTEMIC CHANGE (SC) TRAINING RETREAT -…adminJanuary 31, 2020
In the NewsNewsletters THE VINCENTIAN FRONTLINE QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER FOR DECEMBER 2019 Here is a new issue of our informative newsletter. Don't miss it. (more…)adminJanuary 20, 2020
In the News Register for January 25 Ozanam Training Ozanam training by the SVdP Indianapolis Council will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2020…adminJanuary 9, 2020
Food PantryHomeless MinistryMission and ServiceNewslettersSouth DistrictVolunteers Christmas at SVdP of Brown County By Shirley Boardman Gifts and donations from organizations and volunteers throughout Central Indiana came together…adminJanuary 8, 2020
In the News #GivingTuesday—Open Your Heart to the Homeless Thanksgiving is a time of appreciation. Here at St. Vincent de Paul, we give thanks…adminNovember 19, 2019
In the News Help Wanted – Indianapolis Council President The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Indianapolis, is looking for someone who might be…adminNovember 7, 2019
In the News SVdP Christmas Party: Dec. 7 – New Date! The SVdP Indianapolis Council Christmas Party and Dinner for volunteers and donors will be held…adminOctober 28, 2019